Sunday, 5 March 2017

Doing What Works

I know what I am supposed to be doing. I am probably supposed to be making an organised list of some kind, scheduling this or that, so that I can tick things off and feel accomplished. 

This is all well and good but no, this is my day off. I am going to do what works for me, which today involves having a lie in, enjoying a carefully brewed cup of tea whilst browsing an inspirational book on drumming. Phew, that's three things on a day off, on top of writing this new blog. At this point I am tempted to go off on a tangent, which I often do,but let's remain on track with what brings me to the theme of this blog, which has been inspired by a simple sentence in my drumming book.

We are just coming into my favourite time of year, SPRING! To be honest, I have a hard time in the winter months like a lot people, especially during January and February, I know I am not alone in missing the bright sunshine of other times of the year. So, I have to create my own inner sunshine to keep me going through the duller days. How do I do that? Well it's a mixed self prescription: listening to some of my favourite types of music, 80's soul, gospel with a bit of flamenco or opera mixed in; doing some yoga stretches; having lovely inspirational chats with other people's pets; doing some extra self reiki, maybe going for a swim, taking a leisurely walk in nature. Depending on my energy levels and what I feel I need, I might pick one or two of these. So I have to ask you, what do you find makes you feel more alive and happy? Take some time to reflect on that and if you have been allowing yourself some of that. Follow through on some of your ideas, maybe try something new. Is it your body, mind or spirit that is calling for some attention......what do you think you need at the moment?

So, coming back to the book I was reading by Michael Drake called The Shamanic Drum. In his introduction he says 'I practise Shamanism myself, not because I understand why it works, but simply because it does work'. Speaking for myself as a reiki practitioner, I understand fully why he has expressed himself this way; there are some things beyond our human comprehension or scientific enquiry, they are based on our experiences as individuals and cannot be measured or judged in any other way. Some things just seem to work for us, we have no idea why, they just do.  One translation of Reiki is 'mysterious spiritual energy'. This is such a good description because the wonderful feeling you can get when working with reiki is, really, a truly mysterious yet special one.

I love drumming and using reiki at the same time, the energy it creates is amazing and like nothing else I have experienced. I have always known I would love this way of working although I realise it's not for everyone. About 15 years ago I attended a personal retreat holiday on the island of Skyros and one of  the workshop leaders used a drum to lead a meditation. The sacred special atmosphere the drum's voice created is something I remember so well. It was on that holiday that I had my first experience of reiki too. Years later and here I am with a passion for drums and Reiki, who knew?

We can only really use what works for us as individuals and also acknowledge that of course, this may change as we evolve and grow. Reiki has been called a path of healing love that we can accept and grow with if we choose. It can help us be more of who we really are or get us back on track with who we are, if we have drifted off course. It can help us heal our relationship with our inner self and give us clearer personal boundaries, as we acknowledge the energetic realm and our place within it. It also helps us foster greater self respect and care. In doing this, we can find what really makes us tick (if we haven't properly understood that before) and what gives us the most joy.

So, Spring is now does your personal energy feel and where does it want to take you right now, just for fun?           #reiki #drumming #healing #shamanism


  1. Interesting, I've never heard of Reiki drumming but I love the idea of combining two of your passions together.

  2. Thank you for your comment. It is an amazing therapy and well worth trying if it appeals to you!
